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Glengarry Child Care Society logo


Being a non-profit society, the day-to-day operations at Glengarry Child Care Society are managed by our Executive Director. A group of volunteer parents and community members form the society’s Board of Directors. The role of the Board of Directors is to provide support to the Executive Director and to provide a vision and a direction for the society. Elections for the Board of Directors are held at the annual general meeting, held in May each year. The Board consists of an Executive Committee: the Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, and general directors that provide support to the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors and Executive Director meet monthly to review the operational and financial aspects of the society.

Parents and community members that are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Directors should contact the Executive Director. Parents become members of the society by paying the $1.00 annual membership fee. Membership gives the individual voting rights at the annual general meeting.

Current members of our Board of Directors are:

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